Theoretical & Applied Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
– A. Zareei, and M.-R. Alam, “Broadband Wall-less Waveguide for Shallow Water Waves“,
– Q. Guo, L.A. Couston and M.-R. Alam, “Rogue Wave Morphology in Broadband Nonbreaking Seas“,
– Y. Liang, L.A. Couston and M.-R. Alam, “Dominant Subharmonic Waves from Parametric Subharmonic Instability of Internal Waves“,
– Immas, A., and Alam, M.-R., "Guidance, Navigation and Control of AUVs for Permanent Underwater Optical Networks", IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering ( Volume: 48, Issue: 1, January 2023).
– Chamanzar, M., Scopelliti, M. G., Bloch, J., Do, N. H., Huh, M., Seo, D., Iafrati, J., Vikaas, S., Alam, M.-R., Maharbiz, M.M., “Reply to: The overwhelming role of ballistic photons in ultrasonically guided light through tissue“, Nature Communications, 13, Article number: 1872 (2022).
F. Mohaghegh, J. Murthy, and M.-R. Alam “Rapid Phase-Resolved Prediction of Nonlinear Dispersive Waves Using Machine Learning“, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 117, December 2021, 102920. [PDF], .
A. Immas, N.H. Do, and M.-R. Alam, "Real-Time In Situ Prediction of Ocean Currents", Ocean Engineering, Volume 228, 15 May 2021, 108922, [PDF]
R. Karimi, M.-R. Alam, and M. R. K. Mofrad, "Hydrodynamic interactions significantly alter the dynamics of actin networks and result in a length scale-dependent loss modulus", Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 120, 7 May 2021, 110352, [PDF]
– M.-R. Alam, “Why does water shoot higher if we partially block the garden hose outlet?“, American Journal of Physics, 89, 567 (2021), [PDF]
– M. Mirzakhanloo, S. Esmaeilzadeh M.-R. Alam “Active Cloaking in Stokes Flows via Reinforcement Learning“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 903, 25 November 2020 , A34 [PDF],
– M. Mirzakhanloo and M.-R. Alam “Stealthy Movements and Concealed Swarms of Swimming micro-Robots“, Physics of Fluids, 32, 071901 (2020), [HTML/PDF].,
_ Daddi-Moussa-Ider, A., Kurzthaler, C., Hoell, C., Zottl, A, Mirzakhanloo M., Alam, M.-R., Menzel, A. M., owen H. L., and Gekle, S., “Frequency-dependent higher-order Stokes singularities near a planar elasticboundary: implications for the hydrodynamics of an active microswimmer nearan elastic interface“, Physical Review E, 100, 032610 [PDF]
_ Y. Karimi, M.G. Scopelliti, N. Do, M.-R. Alam, and M. Chamanzar “In situ 3D Reconfigurable Ultrasonically Sculpted Optical Beam Paths“, Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 7249-7265 (2019) [PDF].
– S. Esmaeilzadeh, and M.-R. Alam, “Shape Optimization of a Submerged Planar Pressure Differential Wave Energy Converter“, Ocean Engineering, Volume 174, pp 186-200, 2019. [PDF] [Draft]
– Zareei, A., Jalali, M. A., Saadat, M., Grenfell, P. and Alam, M.-R., “Propulsion and Mixing Generated by the Digitized Gait of Caenorhabditis elegans“, Physical Review Applied, (11), 014065, 2019[PDF]
– Darabi, A., Zareei, A., Alam, M.-R., and Leamy, M., “Experimental Demonstration of an Ultrabroadband Nonlinear Cloak for Flexural Waves“, Physical Review Letters, 121, 174301, October, 2018. [PDF]
– Chamanzar, M., Scopelliti, M. G., Bloch, J., Do, N. H., Huh, M., Seo, D., Iafrati, J., Vikaas, S., Alam, M.-R., Maharbiz, M.M., “Ultrasonic sculpting of virtual, steerable optical waveguides in tissue“, Nature Communications, 10, Article number: 92 (2019).
– Darabi, A., Zareei, A., Alam, M.-R., Leamy, M., “Broadband Bending of Flexural Waves: Acoustic Shapes and Patterns“, Scientific Reports, 8:11219, (2018). [PDF]
– Mirzakhanloo, M. and M.-R. Alam, “Flow Characteristics of Chlamydomonas result in Purely Hydrodynamic Scattering“, Physical Review E, 98, 012603 (2018) [PDF]
– N. Desmars, J. Tchoufag, D. Younesian, and M.-R. Alam, “Interaction of Surface Waves with an Actuated Submerged Flexible Plate: Optimization for Wave Energy Extraction“, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 81, August 2018, Pages 673-692 (2018). [PDF]
– Mirzakhanloo, M., Jalali, M.A. and Alam, M.-R., "Hydrodynamic Choreographies of Microswimmers", Scientific Reports, 8:3670 (2018) [PDF]
– Zareei, A., Darabi, A., Leamy, M., and Alam, M.-R., “Continuous Profile Flexural GRIN Lens: Focusing and Harvesting Flexural Waves“, Applied Physics Letters 112, 023901 (2018) [PDF].
– M.-R. Alam, M. Lehmann and M. Shakeri “Carpet of Wave Energy Conversion (CWEC)“ US Patent (US 9,777,701 B2), Oct 3rd, 2017 [PDF].
– L.A. Couston, Y. Liang, M.-R. Alam, “Oblique chain resonance of internal waves by three-dimensional seabed corrugations“ Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 833, pp. 538-562 (2017). [PDF]
– Zareei, A., and Alam, M.-R., “Broadband Cloaking of Flexural Waves“, Physical Review E, 95, 063002 [PDF]
– Karimpour, F., Zareei, A., Tchoufag, J., and Alam, M.-R., “Sensitivity of Internal Wave Energy Distribution over Seabed Corrugations to Adjacent Seabed Features“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 824, pp 74-96 (2017) [PDF] [arXiv]
– Younesian, D., and Alam, M.-R., “Multi-Stable Mechanisms for High-Efficiency and Broadband Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting“, Applied Energy, 197 (2017) 292–302. [PDF]
– Naghibi, S.E., Jalali, M.A., Karabhasov, S.A., and Alam, M.-R., “Excitation of the Earth’s Chandler wobble by a turbulent oceanic double-gyre“, Geophysical Journal International, Volume 209, Issue 1, Pages 509–516, (2017) [PDF] [PDF].
– Couston, L.A., Jalali, M.-A., and Alam, M.-R., “Shore protection by oblique seabed bars“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 815, pp 481-510, [PDF] [Draft PDF]
– Liang, Y., Zareei, A, and Alam, M.-R., “Inherently Unstable Internal Gravity Waves due to Resonant Harmonic Generation“ Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 811, pp 400-420 (2017) [PDF] [arXiv]
– Zhang, J, Chamanzar, M., and Alam, M.-R., “Suppression of Epileptic Seizures via Anderson Localization“, Journal of Royal Society Interface, 14: 20160872, (2017). [PDF]
– Lehmann, M., Karimpour, F., Goudey, C.A., Jacobson, P.T. and Alam, M.-R., “Ocean Wave Energy in the United States: Current Status and Future Perspectives”, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 74, July 2017, Pages 1300–1313. [PDF]
– Jalali, M. A. and Alam, M.-R., “The Surprising Dynamics of Rolling Rings“, Physics Today, Vol 62, Issue 9, 2016. [PDF]
– Saadat, Y., Fernandez, N., Samimi, A., Alam, M.-R., Shakeri, M., and Ghorbani, R., “Investigation of Helmholtz wave energy converter“, Renewable Energy, Volume 87, Part 1, Pages 67–76 (2016). [PDF]
– Couston, L. A., Guo, Q., Chamanzar, M., and Alam, M.-R. , “Fabry-Perot resonance of water waves“, Physical Review E 92, 043015 (2015) [PDF], [PDF2]
– Jalali, M.-A.; Khoshnood, A., and Alam, M.-R., “Microswimmer-Induced Chaotic Mixing“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 779, pp 669-683, (2015). [PDF]
– Jalali, M.-A., Sarebangholi, M. S., and Alam, M.-R., “Terminal Retrograde Turn of Rolling Rings“, Physical Review E, 92, 032913 (2015). [PDF]
– Zareei, A. and Alam M.-R., “Cloaking in Shallow Water Waves via Nonlinear Medium Transformation“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 778, pp. 273-287 (2015).
– Timmerberg, S, Börner, T., Shakeri, M., Ghorbani, R. and Alam M.-R., “The “Wave Bridge” For Bypassing Oceanic Wave Momentum“, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy (2015), Volume 1, Issue 4, pp. 395-404 [PDF]
– Couston, L. A., Mei, C. C., and Alam, M.-R. “Landslide Tsunamis in Lakes“, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 772 / June 2015, pp 784- 804.[PDF]
– Nia, H. T., Jain, A. D., Liu, Y., Alam, M.-R., Barnas, R., and Makris N.C., “The evolution of air resonance power efficiency in the violin and its ancestors“Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, A 471: 20140905. (2015). [PDF]
– Elandt, R. B., Couston, L. A., Lambert, R. A. and Alam, M.-R., “Bragg Resonance of Gravity Waves and Ocean Renewable Energy”, Book Chapter in “Integrated Systems: Innovations and Applications” Editor: Madjid Fathi, ISBN: 978-3-319-15897-6 (2015)
– Börner, T., and Alam, M.-R. “Real Time Hybrid Modeling for Ocean Wave Energy Converters“, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews,Vol 43, pages 784-795 (2015).[PDF]
– Jalali, M.-A., Alam, M.-R. and Mousavi, S., “Versatile Low-Reynolds-Number Swimmer with Three Dimensional Maneuverability“, Physical Review E, 90, 053006, (2014). [PDF]
– Alam, M.-R., “Predictability Horizon of Oceanic Rogue Waves“, Geophysical Research Letters, DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061214 (2014) . [PDF]
– Ota, S., Li, L., Li, Y., Ye, Z., Labno, A., Yin, X., Alam,M.-R., and Zhang, X., “Brownian Motion of Tethered Nanowires“, Physical Review E, 89, 053010 (2014). [PDF]
– Liang, Y. and Alam, M.R., “Asymmetric Flexural-Gravity Lumps in Nonuniform Media“, Physics of Fluids (Vol.26, Issue 9). [PDF]
– Elandt, R., Shakeri, M., and Alam, M.-R., “Surface Gravity-Wave Lensing“, Physical Review E, 89, 023012 (2014). [PDF]
-Liang, Y. and Alam, M.R., “Finite Depth Capillary-Gravity Dromions“, Physical Review E. 88, 035201 (2013). [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., “Dromions of Flexural-Gravity Waves“, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 719, (2013), pages 1-13. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., “Nonlinear analysis of an actuated seafloor-mounted carpet for a high-performance wave energy extraction” , Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences, (2012). [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., “Broadband Cloaking in Stratified Seas“, Physical Review Letters, 108, 084502 (2012). [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., “A new triad resonance between co-propagating surface and interfacial waves”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 691, (2012), pages 267-278. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Attenuation of short surface waves by the sea floor via nonlinear sub-harmonic interaction”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 689, (2011), pages 529-540. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Resonant wave signature of an oscillating and translating disturbance in a two-layer density stratified fluid”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 675 (2011), pages 477-494. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Oblique sub- and super-harmonic Bragg resonance of surface waves by bottom ripples.”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 643 (2010), pages 437-447.[PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Bragg resonance of waves in a two-layer fluid propagating over bottom ripples. Part I. Perturbation analysis.”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 624 (2009), pages 191-224. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Bragg resonance of waves in a two-layer fluid propagating over bottom ripples. Part II. Numerical simulation.”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 624 (2009), pages 225-253. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., Liu, Y. and Yue, D.K.P., “Waves due to an oscillating and translating disturbance in a two-layer density stratified fluid”, J. Engineering Mathematics, Volume 65 (2009), Issue 2 Pages 179–201. [PDF]
-Alam, M.-R. and Mei, C.C., “Ships advancing near the critical speed in a shallow channel with a randomly uneven bed”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 616 (2008), pages 397-417. [PDF]
-Alam, M.R., “Wave Energy”, IRIS Magazine, Technology Avenue, Issue 1, Summer 2008, Pages 12-13. [PDF]
-Alam, M.-R. and Mei, C.C., “Attenuation of long interfacial waves over a randomly rough seabed”, J. Fluid Mechanics, Volume 587 (2007), pages 73-96. [PDF]
-Alam, M.-R., Liu, W and Haller, G. “Closed Loop Separation Control: An Analytic Approach”, Physics of Fluids, 18 (4): Art. No. 043601 APR 2006. [PDF]
– Do, N.-H and Alam, M.-R., “Data-Based Approach to Optimizing the Ocean Wave Energy Carpet Using Deep Neural Network“, Proceedings of the ASME. OMAE2020, 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2020) Virtual, Online August 3 – 7, 2020.
_ Immas, A. and Alam, M.-R.,“Optimization of a Swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for High-Bandwidth Underwater Wireless Communication“, Proceedings of the OMAE2019, Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering, V07BT06A053, June 9–14, 2019. [PDF]
_ Immas, A., Saadat, M., Navarro, J., Drake, M., Shen, J. and Alam, M.-R., “High-Bandwidth Underwater Wireless Communication Using a Swarm of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles“, Proceedings of the ASME. OMAE2019, Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering, V07BT06A052, June 9–14, 2019. [PDF]
_ Kelly, M. and Alam, M.-R., “Shape Optimization of a Submerged Pressure Differential Wave Energy Converter for Load Reductions“, Proceedings of the ASME. OMAE2019, Volume 10: Ocean Renewable Energy, V010T09A030, June 9–14, 2019. [PDF]
_ Becker, Q., Immas, A. and Alam, M.-R., “Hydrodynamic Design of a Morphic Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using Neural Networks“, Proceedings of the ASME. OMAE2019, Volume 7B: Ocean Engineering, V07BT06A054, June 9–14, 2019. [PDF]
– Saadat, M., Mirzakhanloo, M., Gangnon, P. and Alam, M.-R., “A Novel Hydraulic Heat Engine Based on Ferrofluid Displacer With Applications in Solar Power Generation“, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference DSCC2017, Tysons, Virginia, USA , October 11-13, 2017. [PDF]
– Guo, Q., and Alam, M.-R., “Prediction of Oceanic Rogue Waves Through Tracking Energy Fluxes“, Proceedings of the ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2017, Trondheim, Norway, June 25-30, 2017. [PDF]
– Kojimoto, N. C., Lehmann, M., Murray, B., Boerner, T., and Alam, M.-R., “Model Scale Submerged Hydraulic Power Take-Off with Adjustable Damping for Wave Energy Conversion“, Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference by International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE2017), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 25-30, 2017. [PDF]
– Windt, C., Tchoufag, J., and Alam, M.-R., “Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Effects on Wave Excitation Forces on a Submerged Rigid Board“, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Offshore Renewable Energy – CORE2016, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 September 2016 . [PDF]
– Couston, L.-A., Jalali, M.A., and Alam, M.-R., “Sheltering the Shore via Nearshore Oblique Seabed Bars“, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2016, Busan, South Korea, June 19-24, 2016. [PDF]
– Guo, Q., and Alam, M.-R., “Statistical Investigation of the Surface Wave Profile of Rogue Waves in 2D Non-Breaking Seas“, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2016, Busan, South Korea, June 19-24, 2016. [PDF]
– Zareei, A, and Alam, M.-R., “Cloaking by a Thin Bouyant Carpet“, Proceedings of 31st International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Plymouth, MI, USA: April 3rd-6th 2016. [PDF]
– Javanmardi, M., and Alam, M.-R., “Distributed Damping of Tsunami“, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2015. [PDF]
– Boerner, T,. and Alam, M.-R., “Wave Carpet Optimization via Real Time Hybrid Modeling“, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2015. [PDF]
– Guo, Q, and Alam, M.-R., “Sensitivity of Rogue Wave Prediction to Oceanic Stratification“, Proceedings of the ASME 2015 34th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2015, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2015. [PDF]
– Lehman, M., Elandt, R., Shakeri, M., and Alam, M.-R., “The Wave Carpet: Development of a Submerged Pressure Differential Wave Energy Converter“, Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Australia, 2-7 November 2014. [PDF]
– Alam, M.-R., “Sensitivity of Oceanic Rogue Waves Predictions to Measurements Uncertainties“, Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart, Australia, 2-7 November 2014. [PDF]
– Saadat, Y. Fernandez, N. Samimi, A. Alam, M.-R., Shakeri, M. and Ghorbani, R. “Helmholtz Resonance Mode For Wave energy Extraction”, Proceedings of the 10th European wave and tidal energy conference, Alaborg, Denmark 2013. [PDF]
– Lehmann, M., Elandt, R.E., Pham, H., Ghorbani, R., Shakeri, M., Alam M.-R., “An artificial seabed carpet for multidirectional and broadband wave energy extraction: Theory and Experiment“, Proceedings of the 10th European wave and tidal energy conference, Alaborg, Denmark 2013. [PDF]
– Liang Y. and Alam, M.-R., “Three dimensional Fully Localized Waves on Ice-Covered Ocean“, Proceedings of the ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2013 June 9-14, 2013, Nantes, France. [PDF]
– Alam, M.-R., “A Flexible Seafloor Carpet for High-Performance Wave Energy Extraction“, Proceedings of the ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2012 July 1-6, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [PDF]
– Alam, M.R., Liu, Y.and Yue, D.K.P., “Higher Order Resonant Interaction of Surface Waves by Undulatory Bottom Topography”, Proceedings of the ASME 2009 28th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2009 May 31-June 5th, 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii. [PDF]