ME168 Mechanics of Offshore Systems - UC Berkeley
























1.     Introduction

o    Characteristics of Offshore and Coastal Systems, Maritime Operations,


2.     Ocean Wave Environment

            o    Linear Potential Theory, A Review,

            o    The equation of motion and Response Amplitude Operator, Review,

            o    Shallow water hydrodynamics,

            o    Bathymetry effects,

            o    Some nonlinear effects,


3-     Loads on Offshore Structures

            o    Cantilever beams

            o    Beam vibration & natural modes,       

            o    Transient response,

            o    Wind and Current loads on offshore structures,       

            o    Vortex induced vibration,

            o    Extreme environment,

4-     Cables & mooring

            o    Basic catenary in air,

            o    Catenary in water,

            o    Mooring systems configuration and design,

            o    Wave-drift forces,

            o    Low frequency damping,

            o    Dynamic Positioning,

            o    Numerical computations,

5-     Underwater Acoustics

            o    Introduction to Sonar (Acoustic Waves, Doppler shift, intensity and Decibels),

            o    Sonar Equations,

            o    Transducers, Directionality and Arrays,

            o    Ambient noise,

            o    Underwater guidance and navigation,

6-     Arctic Marine Structures

            o    Ice structure,

            o    Arctic Stratification,

            o    Ice load on structures,

            o    Wave-ice interactions,






  • Recommended Reading

  • 1- Wave Forces on Offshore Structures by Turgut 'Sarp' Sarpkaya (Feb 26, 2010)
    2- Dynamics of Offshore Structures by James F. Wilson
    3- Offshore Structure Modeling (Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering ; V. 9) by Subrata Kumar Chakrabarti (Feb 21, 1994)
    4- Construction of Marine and Offshore Structures, Third Edition by Ben C. Gerwick Jr (Mar 5, 2007)
    5- Sea Loads on Ships and Offshore Structures (Cambridge Ocean Technology Series) by O. Faltinsen
    6- Offshore Structures: Design, Construction and Maintenance, Mohamed A. El-Reedy
    7- Underwater Acoustics: Analysis, Design and Performance of Sonar by Richard P. Hodges (Jul 19, 2010)
    8- An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics: Principles and Applications (Springer Praxis Books /Geophysical Sciences) Xavier Lurton
    9-Fundamentals of Ship Acoustics by Harrison T. Loeser (Jan 6, 1999)
    10- Underwater Acoustic Modeling and Simulation Third edition by Paul C. Etter
    11- Arctic Offshore Engineering by Andrew Palmer and Ken Croasdale (Dec 4, 2012)